Friday, March 20, 2009

Skins 3x09 "The Twins"

Okay so... this episode was just too much... of the good stuff.
Instead of me writing a recap just watch the episode! It was to good, to much I wanna tell, to much that I can't describe. It was magical. The story was like WOoHOo, chills, dancing around, smiling, crying, happy feelings... yeah happy feelings. I don't think I've ever had one of those before, it was something new but I sure as hell loved it.
Also the soundtrack was WOoHOo . . . you get the point. And I really can't focus on writing the recap right now... I mean I'm so high on Skins it's unbelievable.
I will write a review sometime soon hopefully. But if I get a request on writing one from more than 3 people I'll give in and cry with happy feelings inside my beating skin.

For you who want to see the episode I just warn you;

"What ever you do, DON'T Turn it off, give it 100 % and you'll get the ride of your life. Even the acting was superb, better than usual and 'usual' = HIGH quality.

The episode contained everything you might need in a episode;
*Sibling Rivalry
*Cat Fight
*Confession of love
*Tears of sadness
*Tears of happiness
*Crazy/funny little brothers that gets beat up
*A nervous JJ
*A hot Emily who dresses up like a beat up Katie who kisses Naomi in a school hallway.
*A Katie who show some feelings more than "Ooh look at me, look at me!"

Pure genious



staceyraverrrr said...

recappp!!!! please :P

ikke said...

this was the best skins episode ever!! it's just wow! WOW! amazing, nothing can top this i think.

fid-el-is said...

You got it right!
This Skins episode even cured my stomachache
yay for that

aaah and RECAP anyways :P you waste your talents if you're not doing it

Emelie said...

recap please?

Anonymous said...

Recap Recap...
The Episode Was Really great...
but its always good getting it for reading ...
plus your recaps until now were great =]